
Flipz Academy / SPC Policies and Procedures

Extra Insurance – Sports Cover information

The Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth) does not permit the Trustee or Insurer to contribute to any charges covered by Medicare (including the Medicare Gap).

Personal Injury coverage through your club is limited by the Health Insurance Act. As such, Marsh encourage participants of to investigate the benefits of private health insurance.

*Please note: MRI scans are generally claimable through Medicare, however sometimes the referrer and/or provider is not registered with Medicare. Please check with your treating physician prior to lodging your claim.

In addition, there will be no refund in respect of:

  1. Any expenses recoverable by you from any other insurance scheme or plan providing medical or similar coverage or from any other source except for the excess of the amount recoverable from such other policies/plans.
  2. Any expense to which the National Health Act 1953 (Cth) or any of the regulations made there under apply.

Examples of Non-Medicare items – Claimable as per the policy wording

  • Ambulance
  • Physiotherapist
  • Dental
  • Private Hospital Accommodation
  • Chiropractor
  • MRI Scans*

Examples of items covered by Medicare – We cannot reimburse you for these costs

  • Doctor
  • Surgeon
  • Surgeon’s assistant
  • Anesthetist
  • X-rays
  • MRI scans*
  • Public Hospitals

*Please note: MRI scans are generally claimable through Medicare, however sometimes the referrer and/or provider is not registered with Medicare. Please check with your treating physician prior to lodging your claim.

  1. All claims must be notified to the insurer, Sportscover, within 120 days of the accident or injury occurring.
  2. Complete all relevant sections of the claim form and copies of original receipts of any medical expenses that have been incurred relating to the accident or injury.
  3. Submit the claim form and additional information (receipts) to asiapac.claims@sportscover.com or fax to +613 8562 9111 or post to:
    Sportscover Claims Department
    Locked Bag 6003
    Wheelers Hill, VIC 3150
  4. Your claims adviser will confirm receipt of your claim.

Make a claim – Download form

Call us at 07 5532 8429 to book a trial or

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